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Setting up your CallTree

Setting up your CallTree and Arranging the order (Video ~ 2 minutes)

How does it work? 

In an emergency condition, a text message will be sent out to everyone in the CallTree. If no one attends to the alarm, a call will be made to the 1st person the list. If it remains unattended, the call will progress to the 2nd person on the list and so on until the alarm gets attended to. Acknowledging an alarm will pause all further notifications for 45 minutes. If the emergency condition still exists then it will commence through the CallTree again. 

What team members can and can't do:
  • They can monitor the barn's condition, such as temperature, humidity, water usage, feed levels, etc.
  • They can attend to alarms
  • They can't edit barn/sensor names or thresholds
  • They can't invite people or reorder the CallTree list

Step 1: Navigate to your Gateway's CallTree by selecting the Gateway Tile you want to set up. 

Step 2: Select the Gear icon in the top right corner (as depicted below). 

Step 3: Select 'Manage Call Tree' to take you to a screen that says "Team Members".

Step 4: Select the red oval "Invite New" button in the lower right and your phone will ask you permission to access contacts. Hit 'Allow'. 

Step 5: Choose the members from your contacts you want to add to your CallTree to respond to alarms. Once invite is sent, the person will receive a text message to view the barns and will be added to the bottom of the list. NOTE: You can also invite someone via phone number that is not in your contacts by selecting the 'Invite by phone number' button at the bottom of the screen.


Step 6: Arrange your contacts in the order you want them to be called. On the "Team Members" page select the "Edit list" button and use the arrows to rearrange the order of the CallTree members to determine who gets called first. 

Quick notes and tips

  • Each Gateway has its own CallTree so remember to set each of them up individually.
  • There is no limit to how many people you add. You may add as many users as needed to your Call Tree.


Call tree update settings icon

MicrosoftTeams-image (3)


If you have any issues or feedback, reach out to our support team via email at support@barntools.com, call/text 515-272-5122, or call Toll Free at 855-580-0058 during the hours of 8am-5pm CST Monday-Friday.